1. Every 1st World nation’s business sector lobbies its politicians to pass an Expand World Markets (EWM) law. The objective: create new markets in the 3rd World as principal means of ending the current recession, which is largely caused by market saturation in the 1st World.
2. The EWM law channels 5% of the state’s tax and bond receipts towards promotion of mass entrepreneurship in 3rd World countries. The aim is to convert around five billion poor into new consumer markets for all world companies as a way of taming world-scale recessions for good.
3. The EWM law provides for entrepreneurship loans to thousand-employee investment unions in the 3rd World. The condition, such unions must use the loans to set up joint venture companies with 1st World corporations.
4. Intrepid 1st World politicians sponsor an EWM bill and manage to convert it into law. A perpetual budget for 3rd World mass entrepreneurship thereby gets created. The budget comes mostly from 20-year Expand World Markets bonds sold by 1st World governments to each other and to their corporate sectors.
5. Since the new moneys will circulate within the 3rd World, they are not deemed inflationary within the 1st World. Every 1st World government sets up an EWM agency to manage the funds worth several hundred billion dollars yearly.
6. EWM agencies coordinate with 3rd World governments to encourage formation of thousand-employee investment unions within every 3rd World country. Concurrently, 1st World companies use the internet to discuss joint venture plans with 3rd World employee groups such as co-ops, associations, unions, and office teams with entrepreneurial plans. The profit motive becomes the engine for inter-racial planning.
7. EWM agencies dedicate 1% of their budget to our grassroots anti-poverty cyber army centered in this blog. We use the funds to set up model businesses in the Philippines that local employee groups may copy. The projects focus on food production, eco-tourism, reforestation, clean energy (ethanol) production, and coral reef rebuilding, all at good profit.
8. Our cyber army's project priorities: (a) livestock farms that grow their own feeds, including sweet sorghum; (b) an ethanol distillery that uses sweet sorghum as feedstock; (c) tour boat fleets in joint venture with US yachting groups; (d) tour agency nets in joint venture with Filipino groups in the 1st World; (e) marine aquaculture with artificial reefs; (f) reforested mini-dam hydropower chain; (g) Asian foods retailing nets, 1st World; (h) managed forest with livestock feedlot; (i) land and sea transport services that use E75 fuel (75% ethanol, 25% gasoline).
9. All bloggers are invited to invest in our projects in order to earn good dividends and rises in their stock shares' values while creating millions of jobs.
10. EWM agencies offer to buy billion-dollar 20-year bonds issued by 3rd World governments that pass a local ‘Loans for Mass Entrepreneurship’ law. The LME law grants nine-month salary loans to local investment union members who plan to set up joint venture companies with 1st World corporations. Copycats of our cyber army's project models form part of the plans.
11. To speed up passage of the law, 3rd World employee organizations aided by media lobby for local politicians’ support. Mass voting potential provides the pressure towards passage of the LME law.
12. Heavily indebted 3rd World governments take advantage of EWM agency funds to sell billion-dollar 20-year bonds each year. The new moneys are not deemed inflationary within the local economy because they will all be used by joint venture companies in producing voluminous goods on roll-over (perpetual) basis.
13. Bond proceeds go to a state-unions Employees Bank within the 3rd World country. The EB retails mass entrepreneurship loans to investment union members. Stock shares serve as collateral. Interest is half of market rates. Term is 20 years. The EB releases stock shares as they are paid. Payments come mostly from borrowers' dividend shares.
14. The consequent yearly formation of thousands of joint venture companies greatly increases the 3rd World government’s tax take. The EWM bonds get repaid in time, including interest at half of market rates. Part of tax take goes to repayment of old billion-dollar loans acquired by the borrower country's past regimes. 3rd World states' credit worthiness rise and qualify for more EWM loans.
What are the consequences of these world-scale anti-poverty adventures on century view?
1. Billions of jobs get created within 3rd World countries.
2. Millions of new joint venture companies become a huge market for 1st World manufacturers of machinery, equipment and factory materials.
3. Rising billions of newly-employed become trillion-dollar consumer goods markets for world companies.
4. The new employees qualify for mass entrepreneurship loans. The former poor earn high salaries and dividends. They enjoy rises in the value of their stock shares. Like all employees, they qualify for mass entrepreneurship loans every 2-3 years, enabling them to accumulate a fortune in stock shares within decades.
5. High salaries, entrepreneurship loans and dividend flows among employee masses gradually close the scandalously wide wealth and power gaps that have created unimaginable misery within 3rd World societies for centuries.
6. Early on, the current economic recession peters out as producer and consumer goods markets expand in the 3rd World. Enhanced consumer markets promise a world future freed of grave recessions, high inflation, and mass poverty.
7. High salaries paid to employees of rural companies in the 3rd World enable Elementary level hires (most new employees) to afford innovation-oriented education. 1st World universities set up affiliations with 3rd World schools and colleges to export the innovation culture that all 3rd World societies sorely lack.
8. Millions of joint venture companies rising all over the 3rd World become huge markets for the world’s inventive corporate labs, working student teams, university labs, and state labs. Over six million US inventions on file get applied or adapted by innovation teams for licensing to 3rd World joint ventures. Original patent awardees enjoy licensing proceeds. 3rd World investment companies commercialize 60% of US patents, up from a mere 6-10% these past decades. Billion-employee 3rd World markets make this possible.
9. Bottom 3rd World countries with small middle classes find their unschooled rural millions getting employed in corporate farms and rural factories of developing economies. The new hires afford innovation and entrepreneurship oriented education. In time they return to their countries to repeat the productivity and mass entrepreneurship schemes they learned. Gradually all the world’s poor enjoy high-paying jobs, form innovation teams, and become investment union entrepreneurs. World poverty withers to insignificance.
How do we transform the grand dreams to reality? We shift to action mode!
(Please click dates 11/30/08-12/7/08 below for next related topics)
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